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The Midlife Mastery Vault

Join my Mastery Vault to help you master your fitness, nutrition and hormones through research based content delivered fresh each month. 

Mastery Vault Members click HERE to Access Content

Unlock Unlimited Access to the Mid Life Mastery Vault!

How Does It Work?

Upon signing up for the Midlife Mastery Vault, you'll receive IMMEDIATE access to the private Wellness Vault members area. 


From there, you'll have access to that month and each new month thereafter as long as you remain a member.

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Access the Mid Life Mastery Vault Today!

Let's Get Started!

Upon registration into the vault you'll receive immediate access to a treasure trove of goodies including:


- New 4 week meal plan

- 30 new clean, delicious recipes

- New eGuides on health, hormones and fitness

- BONUS content

Add terms and conditions

Best Value

Monthly Mastery Vault



Every month

Unlock the Monthly Mastery Vault for meal plans, eGuides, and bonuses designed to help women 40+ thrive, lose weight, and embrace midlife with confidence.

Valid until canceled

Unlimited access to the vault content (new and old!)

Auto renews monthly

Cancel anytime

Registration includes access to private Vault members group

Receive immediate access upon payment

Best Value

Yearly Mastery Vault



Every year

Unlock the Monthly Mastery Vault for meal plans, eGuides, and bonuses designed to help women 40+ thrive, lose weight, and embrace midlife with confidence.

Valid until canceled

12 Months unlimited access to the vault

Auto renews yearly

Cancel anytime

Registration includes access to private Vault members group

Receive immediate access upon payment

Choose from Monthly or Yearly

Vault Plans

Do you have questions about how my Mid Life Mastery Vault can help you improve your mid life journey?

Reach out! I'd love to help!

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